Average setup time 2

This report is based on the Average setup time-report and displays setuptimes per machine during a selected timeframe in average.
If information regarding specific setups for specific orders are of interest, that information can be obtained from the
parts overview, or the finished orders overview.

In order to get as correct data as possible, atleast one month is recommended as timeframe, in order to not skew the data.


Below is an example of how the resulting report might look like.

All time represented above is in 1/100th of an hour.

Number of setup:
The number shown here is the number of orders which have had it's first starttime in the given timeframe. An order is only counted once,
which is at the first time it is started, which potentially can be misleading.

Total setuptime:
The total stoptime during a period on the machine in which it has been standing still with a stopreason configured as setuptime and ordertime,
and a workorder has been started. On top of these conditions, it also needs to be calendartime for time to be counted.

Average setuptime:
Total setuptime divided by number of setups.

Planned setuptime:
The total planned setuptime for the workorders which have their first starttime in the given period
An order is therefore only counted once, at the time it was started the first time.

Average planned setup time:
Planned setuptime divided by number of setups

Other setuptime:
The total setuptime during the period in which the machine have been stopped, and a active stopreason which was configured as setuptime, but during this period of time it has not been ordertime,
even if a workorder was started. A additional condition is that it has been calendartime

Setuptime without order :
The total stoptime during the period in which the machine has been stopped with a stopreason configured as setuptime, and no workorder started. A additional condition is that it needs to have been calendartime.